William, who rose to great popularity with his mega-hit ‘Penelope’ in 2020, has already released three albums in his career. All the songs from his 2020 album ‘Shakespeare’ climbed to Spotify’s Top 30 list after release. On his 2021 album ‘Boy Wonder,’ we heard super popular tracks like “Ympyrää” (feat. Bizi) and “Flyys”. Additionally, his highly anticipated third album, released in the fall of 2023 and awarded the Emma prize, topped Spotify’s most-streamed albums list.
The artist has not only produced hits solo but also collaborated with other artists. Throughout his career, he has successfully collaborated with other artists set to perform at Blockfest 2024 on tracks like “20 min” with Isac Elliot and Cledos, “Bämä” with Jore & Zpoppa, “Draamaa” with Bizi, and “Liikkuu” with Ares.